Media on the City: The Lee Building (2009)

Media on the City: The Lee Building: a video projection that documents the demolition of the Lee Building’s historic billboard in Vancouver B.C over a period of four months.

Kate Hennessy, Co-director, co-producer, with Oliver Neumann

Video: Media on the City: The Lee Building

“Observing the demolition of a billboard on top of Vancouver’s Lee Building, this video documentation positions the rapid transformation of the city against the recurring everyday experience of the city dweller, and illustrates the ongoing negotiation of shifting ideologies of the urban in a rapidly developing North American city. Media on the City- The Lee Building takes the presence of the building as a constant; shifting light and weather conditions through changing seasons document and reposition the architecture in its urban and landscape surroundings. References to foreground, middleground, and background are constantly redefined. In a city that draws heavily on its surrounding landscape, the transformation of the Lee Building raises questions regarding the scales of reference, playing with tensions between active neighborhoods and the commodified city with its focus on the visual.”