About IAT888

IAT 888: New Media and the Museum
This graduate seminar is being offered as a Special Topic for Spring 2012 at Simon Fraser University’s School of Interactive Arts and Technology, taught by Kate Hennessy. This website is used to archive student work, seminar discussion questions, our reflections on course readings, relevant projects, local exhibitions, and related news items.

Digital technologies have transformed the ways in which museums create access to their collections, how curators do their work, and the ability of publics to participate in the collective writing of local, cultural, and national histories. This course explores histories and theory of museums, and the shifts enacted by the use of new media to organize and exhibit physical and digital collections. Lectures, presentations, and individual research projects will relate literature in museum studies, anthropology, cultural studies, and new media to developments associated with digital archives, virtual museums, social media and new media exhibition practices, including mobile applications, tangible interfaces, virtual reality, and augmented reality.  Students will participate in the production and evaluation of a virtual exhibit and mobile application for the Museum of Vancouver’s online exhibition The Visible City: Illuminating Vancouver’s Neon.