Early in Career Award, 2017, CUFA BC
I (Kate) was very honoured to receive the 2017 CUFA BC Early in Career Award. The award dinner took place in April 2017 in Vancouver at the Law Courts. Thank you to friends and colleagues and family for coming out to the awards dinner to support me! I am extremely grateful for the opportunities that have been opened up to me and for the collaborations I have been fortunate to be involved in.
My gratitude related to people I have been so lucky to work with on these projects to (and not limited to!): Natasha Lyons, Dave Schaepe, Chief Colin Pennier, Sonny McHalsie, John Welch, Mike Blake, Dana Lepofsky, Kyle McIntosh, Sue Rowley, Jordan Wilson, Alissa Antle, Aynur Kadir, Reese Muntean, Charles Arnold, Stephen Loring, Mervin Joe, Albert Elias, Aaron Glass, Amber Ridington, Robin and Jillian Ridington, Garry Oker, Billy Attachie, Gerry Attachie, Shirley Reiter, Madeline Oker, Norman Davis, Sam Acko, Pat Moore, Kim Christen, and Jane Anderson… and many more. Gratitude.

CUFA BC Award Winners, 2017-Dr. Darwyn Coxson, University of Northern British Columbia, Dr. Kelli Stajduhar, University of Victoria, Kate Hennessy, Simon Fraser University

Making Culture Lab, SIAT, Friends and Family at the CUFA BC Awards Dinner.

Kate Hennessy with Jim Johnson, CUFA BC President.