Associates + Alumni
Associates Dr. Carman Neustadter, Connections Lab (SFU) Editing Modernism in Canada (EMiC) (Kate Hennessy is a Co-Applicant) Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage (IPinCH) (Kate Hennessy is an IPinCH Associate Scholar; Irine Prastio is a Graduate Fellow) Rachel Topham Dr. Natasha Lyons, Ursus Heritage Consulting Alumni Karen Truong, Research Assistant Alice Ling, Undergraduate Capstone Researcher Inca Siojo, Undergraduate Capstone Researcher Serge […]
IPinCH Fact Sheet: Video and Intellectual Property
The IPinCH Project (Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage) has just release the first of what will be many very useful ‘Fact Sheets’ related to cultural heritage and intellectual property. It is called “USING VIDEO IN RESEARCH & DOCUMENTATION: ETHICAL & IP ISSUES TO CONSIDER“. This is a topic close to my heart, and I […]
I am happy to announce the publication of an article in the journal Heritage & Society called “Critical Reflections on Safeguarding Culture: The Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Field School in Lamphun, Thailand”. It is co-authored with my colleagues Alexandra Denes, Paritta Chalermpow Koanantakool, Peter Davis, Christina Kreps, Marilena Alizivatou, and Michelle Stefano. It can […]
Review of ‘Returning Souls’ in American Anthropologist
My review of Prof. Hu Tai-Li’s film Returning Souls was published in the Spring issue of American Anthropologist. This will be an excellent film for those interested in museum studies, repatriation, and intangible heritage. Here is the trailer, and the text of my review below. Returning Souls Hua Tai-Li, dir. 85 mins. Institute of Ethnography, […]
Irine Prastio named a 2013 IPinCH Graduate Fellow
Congratulations to Irine Prastio, an MA candidate in the Making Culture Lab. She has been named a 2013 Graduate Fellow for the IPinCH (Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage) Project. IPinCH is described (on their website) as “an international collaboration of archaeologists, Indigenous organizations, lawyers, anthropologists, ethicists, policy makers, and others working to explore and […]
International Journal of Cultural Property publication
My article “Cultural Heritage on the Web: Applied Digital Visual Anthropology and Local Cultural Property Rights Discourse” has just been published in the International Journal of Cultural Property. Sincere thanks to Murphy Halliburton, the editor of this special edition of the journal, for bringing this issue to life. The journal is unfortunately firewalled but I […]