• The 2010 Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Field School

    I have just returned from my second summer of teaching in the Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre and UNESCO Bangkok’s Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Field School in Lamphun, northern Thailand. This field school brings heritage scholars and students from North America, Europe, and Mekong Delta region countries–Thailand, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Bhutan, and this year also […]

  • Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Field School, Lamphun, Thailand

    My lecture on Intangible Cultural Heritage Research and Documentation at the 2010 Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Field School in Lamphun, northern Thailand is available here. Abstract: Intangible Cultural Heritage Research and Documentation Research and documentation are integral components of museum activities centered on intangible heritage. Key questions for the lecture are as follows: Which […]

  • Inuvialuit trip to the Smithsonian

    In November, 2009, I travelled with my friend and colleague Dr. Natasha Lyons and a delegation of Inuvialuit community members from The Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre and the Inuvialuit Communications Society to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History to spend a week with the MacFarlane Collection, which had been collected from their territory over […]

  • Joining SIAT

    I have made the journey from the Department of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia to the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University’s Surrey Campus. I am excited to be joining this dynamic interdisciplinary faculty, and look forward to working with my colleagues and SIAT’s multi-talented undergraduate and graduate students.

  • North Vancouver Museum and Archives

    The Making Culture Lab is proud to have formed a collaboration with the North Vancouver Museum and Archives. Our shared goal is to use new media and digital technologies to facilitate access to the museum’s collections, to build new relationships with the local community, and to research innovative technical and ethnographic methodologies to make intangible […]

  • Museums and Intangible Heritage Field School

    The Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Field School is organized by Sirindhorn Anthropology Center in cooperation with the Asian Academy of Heritage Management and UNESCO Bangkok. 2009- present: Kate Hennessy, Resource Person/ Lecturer From the field school website: “Since the adoption of the UNESCO Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1972, which […]

  • Ethnographic Terminalia (2009-P)

    Ethnographic Terminalia 2009-present [Philadelphia 2009; New Orleans 2010; Montreal 2011] Montréal, 2011: field, studio, lab “We seek projects in any medium for inclusion in Ethnographic Terminalia 2011 that take up the theme: field, studio, lab. These three locations–the field, the studio, the lab–comprise both their own communities of practice, and form sites of inquiry and production for […]

  • Media on the City: The Lee Building (2009)

    Media on the City: The Lee Building: a video projection that documents the demolition of the Lee Building’s historic billboard in Vancouver B.C over a period of four months. Kate Hennessy, Co-director, co-producer, with Oliver Neumann Video: Media on the City: The Lee Building “Observing the demolition of a billboard on top of Vancouver’s Lee Building, this video […]

  • Active Pass to IR9 (2008)

    Active Pass to IR9 is a video installation created in collaboration with Richard Wilson that depicts the full length of the Sturdies Bay/ Porlier Pass Road on Galiano Island, from the ferry terminal at the south end to the Penelekut Indian Reserve #9 at the north end. This projection is juxtaposed with a selection of […]

  • Society for Visual Anthropology Website (2009-P)

    The website of the Society for Visual Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association. Designed and maintained by Craig Campbell (U Texas, Austin; Intermedia Ethnography Lab) and Kate Hennessy