Biomedia and Communication: Follow up
Figure 1-7. Participatory Graduate Seminar Workshop, 2016. In seminar 5 we discussed Biomedia and Communication, through Mitchell…

Like a Rolling Stone Exhibition + Randy Lee Cutler’s lecture “Between a Rock”
Figure 1. Randy Lee Cutler, Lecture at the Charles H. Scott Gallery, 2016. Last week I…

Body, calligraphy and improvisations
Figure 1-2. Calligraphy performances. Found images. Our discussions today reminded me of the art of calligraphy…

Kurt Schwitters: Ursonate, 1922-35
Figure 1-2. Kurt Schnitters, Ursonate, 1922-35. Kurt Schnitter’s piece Ursonate (currently up at The Vancouver Art Gallery) reminds…

Upcoming Talk: Graeme Patterson at Emily Carr University of Art + Design
March 21, 2016: 6-8pm @ the Emily Carr University of Art + Design MoCap studio I…

A Space for Looking is a Space for Listening: Jan 22 – Feb 27, 2016
Figure 1. Jacqueline Kiyomi Gordon, A Space for Looking is a Space for Listening (installation view), Western…

Aisthesis and the Common: Reconfiguring the Public Sphere Colloquium
Figure 1. Nadia Myre, Meditations on Red #2, 2013. © Nadia Myre. Courtesy of the artist and Art…

From Here to Ear: Céleste Boursier-Mougenot
Céleste Boursier-Mougenot at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, through March 26 2016. On the blurred…