Maternity and Materialism

In the book of “critical terms for media study”. The author argues that “process of thinking has a materiality of its own” and “materiality can refer to different dimensions of experience or dimensions beyond (or below) what we generally consider experience to be”. But I think these two sentences are a paradox. I think the material is the philosophical category that marks the objective reality, which is perceived by the human being. For instance, different people have different attitude and perception towards the same picture and video through their way of thinking that presented by mass media or bio media, etc. as a result, objective reality is the only feature of the material. This kind of objective reality is what people feel, and it doesn’t depend on our feelings. In addition, the material determines consciousness, consciousness is dependent on the material and reaction. The process of thinking is people’s attitude and cognition toward the media material itself, but the thinking process of the audience is dematerialized.

Also,the author claims that “the economy shapes our contemporary media landscape, but that economy itself has taken shape—assumed its global spatiality and instantaneity—as a result of new media”. This reminds me to think that time and space are the modes of existence of media evolution. No matter people in what period of time, no matter what factors affect the development of the media in the history, like technological, ideological, physical, economic, legal, political, and other determinants. What I want to emphasize is that human beings play a key role in the development of media society in the attitude of materialism. There are two reasons, the first reason is that depending on nature, human society is the component of the material world. The second reason is that although the practical activities of people develop media through technical innovation means of subsistence are guided by consciousness, they are still the activities of material force to transform material forces and still are material activities. For instance, artists always used the most advanced materials and electronic techniques to create their works as the development of the technology that innovated by scientists and engineers.

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