Search Engines
This week’s reading, The social, political, economic, and cultural dimensions of search engines: An introduction made…

Presentation – Mass Media
Hello Team! Apologies for the delay. In this week’s seminar, I will present the chapter on…

Project Proposal
“ Undefined and forged in ash, the shadow archive, an ‘ archive of the virtual’…” (Mizuta-Lippet:…

Context and Content – Information and the Archive
“Rather the productive ambiguity of noise emerged from the consideration that it too is information –…

Through the Body. Where is the work? g’ashondai’kwa (I don’t know), 2016.
“Theory” is generated and regenerated continually through embodied practice and within each family, community, and generation…

No. 12 – ooooszchhhhhht t shuffle klopp shshhhchglugluglushh
Due to a poor lunch choice – why did I pick the questionable tuna sandwich? –…

Found Objects
“Ultimately, however, works of art have to be distinguished from the products of other cultural industries…